The very first quest you receive as Horde describes the aftermath of a skirmish with the Alliance. the suggestion of horrifying events in the background.threatening landscape (high mountains, stark forests, crashing ocean).forbidden knowledge is dangerous and some secrets should be left alone.the sins of the fathers are visited on the sons.And it is a world ruled by gothic genre rules: From the moment you arrive in Vengeance Landing - showing off the new and very gothic forsaken architecture - you are plunged into a very different world from the bright colours and glowy spaceships of The Burning Crusade.
The whole expansion was intended to have a darker, gothic tone. But for Wrath, they pulled out something very special indeed. Blizzard have toyed with thematic zones before and Richard Bartle touched on the ‘big game hunter’ theme of Stranglethorn a couple of weeks back. It is quite simply one of the most brilliant, inspired zones ever created in any MMO ever. I cannot answer for anyone else but for me, the answer lies right there in Howling Fjord. Were they just sheep? Could they not see how tired the old warcraft format had become? Was there something in the water? Was it just that the stars aligned? And why on earth did they stay? If you don’t play Wrath yourself, you may wonder why so many players went back to WoW when it launched.