This thread, as far as i understand it, isn´t a 'chose your mod and bash the other' thread, so there is no need to attack your own audience either. If people don´t like to select more then 2 units, without getting scared, they most likely just don´t play your mod. You will allways find someone, who prefers another mod.
I got used for some silly attacks in past of all those years, never really got it from where they came from when i do optional free things and simply anyone who dislike it can freely ignore it, but those fe people constantly attacking everything i do everywhere they can are quite annoying to be honest, seems like some hobby how to waste your time to go and bash Radious creations and talk nonsence about the mod. And then they start the rage to offend creator who makes mods for free, optional to everyone with words like trash mod, every faction same and other things which are far from truth. Its not my fault that some people afraid of choices and when they can select more then 2 units they are scared and lost in it. Removed 1 year ago.anything else you have there? Sofar nothing said here about my work was truth or correct. Here's a better example: Archer Black Orcs. If I understand this correctly, VC once had achers, in like forth eition. 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of BritanniaĪny proofs that radious units are not lore?.844 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.